Monday, February 26, 2018

Image result for dale murphy''Character Matters Most"

Dale Murphy

Character matters most than anything else. If you want to win something staying in good character will help you more than cheating. If you cheat the you will just be the loser at the end. Character matters most no matter what lose or win.For example the base ball team that got invited to the white house were known for winning many games but soon to be caught that they were cheating. If they would've stayed in good character they would've been the best team ever but they chose the wrong.   

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Image result for Pathologist

Duties and Responsibilities: Pathology is a significant component of the causal study of pathogens and a major field in modern medicine and diagnosis. Hence, 'the study of paths', by which disease comes

Salary: $302,610

Education: To become a pathologists you have to have a bachelors degree and a medical degree.  Additional training is required. Includes 4-5 years of anatomy training.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Image result for James Freeman ClarkeWhat We Do Today

"It may make a difference to all eternity
 whether we do it right or wrong today"

Doing the right or wrong will affect you the whole life. No matter now or tomorrow the wrong can affect you all eternity.
Like the story of the guy who could've became someone but decided to choose the wrong and shoot people.

                                Osteopathic Physician

Image result for osteopathic physician

Duties and Responsibilities: Let's review the facts: An osteopath is a Doctor of Osteopathy and is one of two types of physicians licensed to practice medicine and surgery in the Western Hemisphere. Osteopathic medical schools require the same prerequisite science courses and the same MCAT entrance exams that M.D. schools require

Salary: $236,544.

Education: Becoming a doctor isn't a quick process. It starts with a four-year undergraduate degree, and continues with four more years in a medical or osteopathic medical school. After graduation, newly-trained doctors must go on to learn their chosen specialty in an approved residency program.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Image result for otto grahamStudent Success Statement

"Ask yourself is it right or wrong
and act accordingly"

Otto Graham, Jr.

Before you do something always pause and ask yourself if its right or wrong. If you do so you will think twice about what your doing.For examples the story of the homeless man who saw a ring in his can where people would give him money. He found a ring that he found out was worth 4,000 but kept . 3 days later the women came and claimed her ring. She was so happy and relieved and made a fund page for him where he received over 100,000. For doing the right an not exchanging the ring he got a even bigger reward.So if you choose the right you never know what you may get in return. Act accordingly to what you know is right when you do the wrong can cause you bad consequences like the homeless guy could've gone to jail because he exchanged the ring that wasn't his. 

Image result for president dayPresidents Day

PresidentsDay is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is still officially called “Washington's Birthday” by the federal government.Presidents’ Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is still officially called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government. Traditionally celebrated on February 22—Washington’s actual day of birth—the holiday became popularly known as Presidents’ Day after it was moved as part of 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act, an attempt to create more three-day weekends for the nation’s workers. While several states still have individual holidays honoring the birthdays of Washington, Abraham Lincoln and other figures, Presidents’ Day is now popularly viewed as a day to celebrate all U.S. presidents past and present.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Valentines Day 

Image result for valentines day
The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become associated with this ancient rite?
Approximately 150 valentines cards are exchanged each year. Having a particular Valentine's Day is a very old tradition, thought to have originated from a Roman festival. The Romans had a festival called Lupercalia in the middle of February - officially the start of their springtime. It's thought that as part of the celebrations, boys drew names of girls from a box. 

Friday, February 9, 2018

                              Orthopedic Surgeon

Image result for orthopedic surgeon   Duties and Responsibilities: 
   Orthopedic surgery or orthopedics, also spelled orthopedic, is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system.

    Salary: $519,000

 Education : After completing a 4-year bachelor's degree program in biology, per-medicine or a related field, aspiring orthopedic surgeons must complete four additional years of medical school, followed by a 4- to 5-year orthopedic surgery residency in a hospital.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Image result for orthodontist                       Orthodontist

 Duties and Responsibilities:  Orthodontists are specialized dentists trained to diagnose, prevent and correct structural problems in patient's teeth. An orthodontist is a dental specialist who works to prevent or correct misaligned teeth and jaws, which are called malocclusion or faulty occlusions.

Salary:  $111,542-$164,625

Education: It typically takes about 10 years to become an orthodontist. It takes 4 years to obtain a bachelor's degree, another 4 years of dental school, and then 2 more years in a post doctoral program devoted to the study of orthodontics

Monday, February 5, 2018

Image result for rachel castillo

You Will be taken Care of

"If you do whats right, if you live the right way,
you'll be taken care of''
Rachel Castillo

If you do the right thing you'll be rewarded. Like Rachel she found 36 gran but returned it because it was the right thing to do , even tho she didn't get a financial reward she says she will be taken care of in the future maybe with health. So matter what you find you should always do the right you ll never know what reward you get in the future or process of doing the right think. You should always always do the right even with no reward you'll be taken care of. Like me on a Friday i went to dollar tree and i found a phone i reported to the cashier and the lady claimed it she payed for our items. 

                     Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Image result for oral and maxillofacial surgeon Duties and Responsibilities: Oral & Maxillofacial surgery specializes in treating many diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the Oral  and Maxillofacial  region. It is an internationally recognized surgical specialty.

Salary: $252,910

Education: As with all careers in healthcare, there are pros and cons to becoming an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The amount of time it takes to train to become an oral surgeon is lengthy. Four years of undergrad work, four years of dental school and four to six years of residency is a long time.