Thursday, February 15, 2018

Image result for otto grahamStudent Success Statement

"Ask yourself is it right or wrong
and act accordingly"

Otto Graham, Jr.

Before you do something always pause and ask yourself if its right or wrong. If you do so you will think twice about what your doing.For examples the story of the homeless man who saw a ring in his can where people would give him money. He found a ring that he found out was worth 4,000 but kept . 3 days later the women came and claimed her ring. She was so happy and relieved and made a fund page for him where he received over 100,000. For doing the right an not exchanging the ring he got a even bigger reward.So if you choose the right you never know what you may get in return. Act accordingly to what you know is right when you do the wrong can cause you bad consequences like the homeless guy could've gone to jail because he exchanged the ring that wasn't his. 

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